
Refund Policy

For subscription based plans, a full refund will be issued if Edify has not been able to resolve even a single issue for you within the first 15 days of the subscription.

If there are one or more resolved issues, the fees for the Subscription Service will not be refundable. Notwithstanding this Edify may, at its sole discretion and on a case by case basis, agree to a refund of Subscription fees after deducting charges for servicing the Customer.

For incident based plans, you will be eligible for refund when any of the following criterions are met:

  • You have all the prerequisites which were required to resolve the problem and Issue was not resolved till the time account was active.
  • The issue is out of scope for the particular plan
  • 15 days have not passed after the issue was last worked upon by an Edify technician